

“Thank You for originating Pilates to Go, and for offering free classes during this time when most of us are not working and getting no income because of the effects of the Coronavirus.

Pilates to Go has been a savior. I take all the classes available to me. My daughter jumps in when she doesn’t have an online college course at the same time.

I am getting very good workouts that are toning my whole body and making me strong. Normally, I don’t get to take many classes because I work so much! There has been a huge positive change in my body.

The instructors are amazing with the best cues. My sisters in Colorado are even doing Pilates on the Go! My friends are doing it. My clients are doing it.

You are doing an amazing thing for us all. Thank you.”

— Melanie W.

“It was my first time taking a Pilates class, and I have to say I have enjoyed Amane's class so very much that I am definitely taking her class again! She was amazing! She made everything so easy to follow. I was afraid that I was not going to be able to keep up because it was my first Pilates class and it was taught virtually, but I truly enjoyed every moment of class and was able to complete it thanks to generous guidance. She is very patient and her teaching style makes me do more and more and finish each movement to the end even when I was dying from using all my muscles! Demonstrations were very clear and easy to follow and verbal explanations helped me visualize how I was supposed to use my muscle in the right way and how my muscles are working. And her smile made me smile, too, and actually made me laugh because it is so hard, and I see her smiling! :) I am going to take her class again next week and I highly recommend Amane's class to all my friends!”

— Minsue S.

“I have been taking Susanna Tolini's online restorative pilates classes. She makes the class fun with her positive attitude and professional manner. Susanna is creative- carefully introducing new moves to target muscle groups I didn't know I had. After taking her restorative classes I feel not only stronger, stand straighter but at least one inch taller! Try her classes- you will be very pleased you did.”

— Deb D.


“I joined Amane's class last Tuesday and today. Her instructions were very clear and simple, easy to follow. Her use of different moves added more variety to the exercises!”

— Nobuko Y.

Amane was awesome! She demonstrated exercises precisely and her instructions were brief and to the point. I really liked that. I've taken Pilates and Yoga classes and other exercise studios over the years, so I experienced different teachers. I think Amane is very good.”

— Yukiko K.


“Love the classes and want to try the Barre and Fusion class. Your teachers and classes are great. I am 67 years old and have taken this type of class for years, so happy I found your classes and teachers. ”

— Annette P.

“I would like to thank you for the opportunity to get my daily exercise done regardless of the crazy circumstances! Working from home can be challenging for the body and mind and this program is so helpful that I can't say enough! In addition, I can't say enough about your trainers! What a great team! I have been working with Susanna Tolini most of the time. I like her style and approach, the way she structures her class and her thoughtfulness about people working out safe and performing the exercises right. She is very thorough and personable. I have been working with her before and I am happy I can enjoy her classes online these days! Susanna is amazing!! I also take classes with Amane, Caitlin, just to name a few - all great trainers, different styles, so much fun! Thank you so much for being around!”

— Aneliya G.

“Pilates to Go is literally keeping me sane. It gives structure to my day and is a great substitute for my regular gym and Pilates classes. I live in Maryland: You’ve done a great job of connecting people and making us feel part of a community. Thanks for the important service you are providing.”

— Deborah L.

“I am so grateful to the PTG team and superb instructors for acting swiftly to make available the online classes platform. I’ve had the opportunity to take a couple of private Pilates Reformer classes as well as group classes. They have been excellent. Keeping connected in this way with you and your team has been a Godsend. Thank you!”

— Pat R.

“So glad you are offering Live Pilates!!! Absolutely loving the classes!! It’s the best way to start my day for sure!! I’ve been sharing it with all of my Salon clients and friends hoping they will join in!!”

— Deidre D


“I am living on Cape Cod with my husband and daughter. I am walking everyday usually 5+ miles and doing Pilates classes. I am very thankful for the classes!”

— Joan R.

“I signed my sister in CT up for virtual classes! I’m at home with my nephews: Hoping to get Amy to kick their bottoms in a pilates session soon! Thank you for being ‘virtual’!”

— Noreen M.


“Thanks for offering all the online classes! I greatly miss my reformer classes, so this helps!”

— Kate B.

“I just wanted to say that I am absolutely loving the Pilates to Go platform. It is very easy and convenient for me to take class around my work-from-home schedule, even multiple times per day! I've found that my Pilates practice is growing even stronger by going "back to the basics" with mat classes. I cannot thank you enough for helping me stay active during these trying times”

— Charlotte B.

“I am so happy that PTG set this up! It is easy to use. If I can’t be with all my pilates friends, at least I can do something at home.

— Michele B.


“Thanks for the To Go community. I am Baltimore-based but whenever I visit my sister in Boston I go with her to Boston Body for reformer classes. I used to do mat classes years ago. I recently bought a class pass for classes and am doing 6 days a week. Feeling great, and going strong.

— Dawna C.

“During this time of home time I have felt blessed to be able to workout with Lo at least 3 days a week! She is THE BEST. Jillian is amazing as well and I have worked with her through her growth as an amazing instructor and a friend. Love Boston Body to pieces!”

— Elaine D.


Your team has done a great job lifting our spirits and keeping us strong. It is so nice to maintain the connection. Keep up the good work.”

— Julie S.

“I just wanted to say thank you so much for the Zoom classes you have been providing. I have been taking every week from Amane and she is a wonderful teacher! It has become a true highlight for me during this difficult time.”

— Margaret M.

“I am trying to do my pilates classes every other day with you guys. I do miss the camaraderie of the class and working with others. Zoom has been helpful in many ways. Stay safe, and thank you for what you do, share, and teach.”

— Gina F.